The NPQ Participant Application Process

When applying for an NPQ course with the Teacher Development Trust your application will go through the following stages below. 

Please be aware of each task you need to complete and contact TDT at if you are concerned about your application’s progress.

If you are completing the DfE registration form on behalf of someone else:

You may complete the DfE registration form on behalf of a colleague, but you must use your colleague’s details when doing this, such as their name, email address and TRN number. If you complete the DfE registration form with your own details, the application will be for you and will be invalid for your colleague. Your colleague must complete the full application form themselves, you cannot do this for them.

Step 1: Register Your Interest

Complete the ‘Express your interest’ form on the Teacher Development Trust website, or on the website of the Local Delivery Partner you would like to apply with. You will then be sent an email with a link to complete the DfE registration form

Step 2: DfE Registration

Complete the DfE registration form and select TDT as your lead provider for your NPQ course.

You will receive a confirmation email once you have submitted this. 

Step 3: TDT Application Form 

Receive an application form from TDT. Complete and submit this, specifying which Delivery partner you would like to study with.  

You will receive a confirmation email once you have submitted this. 

Step 4: Sponsor Form 

Your Sponsor will receive a sponsor form to complete for your application. Check with them that they have received, completed and submitted this. 

You will receive a confirmation email once they have submitted this. 

Step 5: Delivery Partner Final Review

Your application will be submitted to your chosen Delivery Partner for review. 

You will receive a confirmation email once they have completed this review to confirm if your application has been accepted or rejected. If your application is rejected you will be given a reason and suggested next steps. 

Step 6: eSignatures NPQ Agreement – Your signature

If your application is successful you will receive an agreement from eSignatures to sign electronically. Please sign and submit this as quickly as possible. 

You will receive a confirmation email once you have submitted this. 

Step 7: eSignatures NPQ Agreement – Sponsor signature

The agreement from eSignatures will be sent to your sponsor to sign once you have signed and submitted it. Please check that they have received, completed and submitted this. 

You will receive a confirmation email once they have submitted this to confirm that your application is complete. 

Please be aware, until the agreement is signed by both you and your sponsor, you can’t be enrolled in your NPQ course.

Step 8: You are enrolled 

This is the end of the TDT NPQ Application process. You should then wait to hear from our Customer Support Officer with your course details. Please contact if you haven’t received this by one week before your course start date.