Our Impact



Our work is underpinned by the key principles of effective teacher professional development and learning. Our impact on school improvement, teaching and learning, morale and teacher retention is evidenced in a range of ways

External Evaluations

TDT has been privileged to coach, train and facilitate collaboration in and between schools based on the outcomes of Diagnostic Reviews, as a core part of several externally funded and evaluated projects. These include CPD Excellence Hubs as part of the Teaching and Learning Innovation Fund, the Ipswich Opportunity Area Workforce Development Project and Blackpool Research Schools KS3 Literacy Project. You can read about each of these projects in more detail below. Across all three, compelling evidence has emerged to suggest that the TDT approach helps to:

1. Transform CPD Culture: Empowering schools to tailor professional development to their unique needs, boost evaluation, and drive a culture of continuous improvement.

2. Accelerate Capacity Building: Equipping CPD leaders with the skills to spearhead change effectively, while empowering middle leaders to take on greater responsibilities.

3. Spark Meaningful Collaboration: Fostering invaluable networking and shared problem-solving opportunities among schools

4. Facilitate Research-Backed Strategies:  Helps schools identify needs, secure funding for proven teaching tactics, and integrate evidence-based approaches for measurable student development.

5. Unleash Evidence-Informed Practice: Provided leaders with expert training, enabling them to make informed decisions and champion research-supported initiatives.

6. Fuel Lasting Improvements: Enhanced teacher efficacy and skills, resulting in significant student gains in key areas.


Our latest Ofsted Report: Outstanding, January 2024

Our NPQ programmes have been awarded an Outstanding judgement by Ofsted.

This achievement is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our Delivery Partners, Facilitators and the TDT Team in delivering high-quality programmes to our participants.

The final report from Ofsted provides a detailed evaluation of our provision, highlighting the exceptional standard of our programmes and the positive impact they have on professional development within the sector. 

“Participants experience highly effective, expert training from Teacher Development Trust. The positive impact that this has on their wider professional development is exceptional and far-reaching in the educational settings in which they work.”


Quality of Professional Development and Training:
  • “The training that participants receive is carefully thought out and meticulously planned.
  • “Leaders skilfully tailor and adapt the NPQ programmes to meet participants’ specific learning needs and the contexts in which they work.”
  • “There is a strong focus on ensuring that participants can apply their learning in a relevant and meaningful way, for instance through the exploration of real-life case studies and the changes that they implement in their settings.”
Tailored and Responsive Approach:
  • “Leaders work collaboratively with their delivery partners to select facilitators with expertise and experience.”
  • “Facilitators know participants extremely well. Participants benefit from expert guidance and exposition that are skilfully adapted to help them to build coherently on the prior knowledge, understanding and experiences that they bring to the training.”
  • “Leaders combine expertise to continually evaluate and refine the delivery of the programmes, with particular attention paid to the needs of specific cohorts, such as those engaged with teacher development, early years provision or leaders working in challenging school contexts.”
Continuous Improvement and Quality Assurance:
  • “Since the previous monitoring visit, leaders have made significant improvements to ensure that, while the provision grows in scale, their processes for quality assurance remain robust.
  • “Leaders systematically seek wide-ranging feedback and use it well to support highly effective cycles of continuous improvement.”
Consideration for Participant Well-being:
  • “Teacher Development Trust is consistently mindful of the workload demands that are placed on busy professional participants.”
  • “The vast majority of participants say that helpful consideration is given to support their workload and well-being throughout the demands of their training.”
Strong Leadership and Governance:
  • “Leaders at the Teacher Development Trust relentlessly pursue and model a vision of excellence that is embodied in their values of ‘smart, heart and humble’.”
  • Trustees are well informed about the strengths and areas for continuous improvement. They rigorously hold leaders to account by seeking pertinent information in a timely way to provide assiduous support and challenge.”

CPD Excellence Hubs

The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Excellence Hubs project, part of the Teaching and Learning Innovation Fund was led by TDT and improved the leadership, culture, and structures/processes of CPD in schools by providing tailored support and training for CPD leads. 

This whole-school project provided bespoke and sustainable support to schools for at least two years, running from January 2018 to March 2020. TDT worked with a CPD lead in each of 39 primary and secondary schools drawn from five areas: Blackpool; Northumberland; Sheffield; South-Central Hertfordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

Our approach was heavily contextualised to the needs of the local area, with simultaneous access to central TDT resources and expertise. It was delivered through a combination of:

  • Diagnostic Reviews to benchmark and track progress over the project
  • Focused 121 coaching support for CPD leaders with a local school leader
  • Collaborative local forums and training sessions

Through working directly with senior and middle leaders, the CPD Excellence Hubs project impacted up to 1,500 teachers across participating Partner Schools, the final evaluation highlighting  many key positive findings about TDTs approach. Just like the Building Expert Schools Programme, the CPD Excellence hubs project had TDTs Diagnostic Review and core values at the heart.

Improving CPD leadership, culture, and processes:
  • Survey and interview data indicated the project had a positive impact on tailoring CPD to individual teacher needs, evaluating the effectiveness of CPD, and CPD leads’ knowledge of effective CPD processes (source: endpoint survey, interviews with CPD leads).
  • CPD leads reported the coaching conversations and hub meetings with Expert Advisors expanded their knowledge of effective CPD structures and processes and helped them reflect on and improve their school’s CPD practices (source: interviews with CPD leads).
  • The whole-school CPD audits (TDT Diagnostic Reviews)  provided an evidence-based framework for schools to identify priorities and develop actions plans to improve their CPD, with schools moving up in their CPD Quality Framework ratings over the course of the project (source: interviews with EAs and CPD leads).
Building CPD leadership capacity:
  • The project increased CPD leads’ confidence and skills in leading professional development, with CPD leads reporting feeling empowered to try new approaches and tailor CPD to staff needs (source: interviews with CPD leads).
  • There was evidence of middle leaders taking greater responsibility for leading CPD within their teams as a result of the training for middle leaders provided through the project (source: interviews with CPD leads, middle leaders).
Supporting networking and collaboration:
  • CPD leads valued the networking opportunities provided through the half-termly hub meetings, which supported sharing ideas and developing solutions to common CPD issues (source: interviews with CPD leads).
  • The hub meetings and involvement of senior leaders helped facilitate collaboration within and between schools and build relationships to support improvement (source: interviews with CPD leads and EAs).
Providing quality support:
  • The use of Expert Advisors – experienced, local senior school leaders – was key to successfully engaging and supporting schools. Their knowledge and relationships lent credibility and facilitated tailored support (source: interviews with EAs and CPD leads).
  • The intensive coaching model provided quality support for implementation and developing sustainable CPD systems, although it required significant time commitments from schools (source: interviews with EAs and CPD leads).

Ipswich Opportunity Area Evaluation

Between 2018 and 2021, TDT worked with 43 schools in Ipswich funded by the Ipswich Opportunity Area Workforce Development Programme.  Based on the independent evaluation report, there are many key positive findings about the TDT’s work in supporting schools’ CPD.

Schools that completed the audit process were subsequently awarded funding through the Ipswich Opportunity Area (IOA) Programme to enable them to commission and deliver their CPD plans. Based on the independent evaluation report, there are many key positive findings about the TDT’s work in supporting schools’ CPD:

Improving CPD planning and delivery:
  • The audit process (Diagnostic Review)  conducted by TDT helped schools better identify their CPD needs and gaps, supported more strategic CPD planning aligned to school needs, and introduced processes for evaluating impact (source: interviews with senior leaders).
  • The funding enabled schools to develop more effective CPD models, move away from a ‘cascade’ model to training whole staff, and commission higher quality external training providers (source: interviews with senior leaders).
  • Following the audit process (Diagnostic Review)  schools opted for training in areas like pedagogy, management skills, mental health/wellbeing, and subject-specific training, indicating the audit helped align training to needs (source: CPD audit forms).
Building capacity:
  • The Programme helped increase teacher confidence in teaching skills through activities like coaching, peer observation and mentoring (source: interviews with senior leaders and teachers).
  • There was increased focus on developing middle leaders through training in leadership skills (source: interviews with senior leaders).
Supporting school improvement:
  • Senior leaders felt increased teacher confidence and skills gained through CPD activities contributed to school improvement (source: interviews with senior leaders).
  • Some senior leaders attributed improved pupil outcomes in areas like math, English and speech/language skills to teacher training received through the Programme (source: interviews with senior leaders).
Increasing satisfaction:
  • Teachers reported feeling more valued because of the investment in their skills development (source: interviews with senior leaders and teachers).
  • The Programme was associated with higher staff satisfaction levels which senior leaders felt supported retention (source: SQW staff satisfaction surveys).

Blackpool Research School EEF Evaluation of Blackpool KS3 Literacy Project

Through a project led by Right to Succeed, the Teacher Development Trust worked with schools across Blackpool to improve outcomes in literacy at Key Stage 3. TDT supported school and literacy leaders to develop and implement plans to improve outcomes in literacy through high-quality training and ongoing support. TDT’s Diagnostic Review was also used in some schools to monitor progress against project aims.  

The Blackpool Research School and Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) selected TDTs Diagnostic Review, and the approach to implementing effective professional development outlined in Unleashing Great Teaching, to inform the creation of a programme of high-quality training designed to improve outcomes in literacy at KS3 in Blackpool.  The final report concluded the following:

Improving literacy skills:
  • The project helped develop pupils’ literacy skills across Key Stage 3 through training, implementation support, and funding for interventions (source: interviews with project leads and headteachers).
  • Schools reported the additional funding enabled more effective CPD models and higher quality external training, moving away from a ‘cascade’ model (source: interviews with senior leaders).
Strengthening use of evidence:
  • Project leads valued the high-quality training from experts like the Education Endowment Foundation in improving their knowledge and ability to lead literacy initiatives (source: interviews with project leads).
  • Headteachers reported project schools were now more evidence-informed in decision-making beyond just literacy (source: interviews with headteachers). 
  • The rigorous use of student assessment data was considered “gold dust” in identifying and monitoring pupils’ literacy needs (source: interviews with project leads).
Changing classroom practice:
  • Literacy audits and school leaders reported increased focus on recommendations from EEF’s “Improving Secondary Literacy” in classroom teaching (source: interviews with project leads and literacy audits).
  • Teachers were more aware of reading needs and literacy teaching strategies through training dissemination (source: interviews with project leads and headteachers).
Supporting collaboration:
  • Project leads valued collaborating with other schools on interventions and literacy strategies at hub meetings (source: interviews with project leads).
  • Headteachers reported opportunities for collaboration were a key strength, facilitating open dialogue and sharing of challenges and successes (source: interviews with headteachers).

Testimonials and Case Studies

We love to hear from teachers and leaders about the impact that effective professional development has on them personally, on their schools and trusts and most importantly on the children and young people they serve.

Voices from our Expert Schools

Why engage with the Diagnostic Review

How did you find the process of the Diagnostic Review?

What impact has the Diagnostic Review had on your school?

What was your experience of the TDT Associate Qualification in CPD Leadership?

What advice would you give to new Network members to get the most from their membership?

Coaching in Schools. How has it impacted on your school?

“Being part of this programme  gave us experience and training in how to manage change. Knowledge and grounding to evaluate what the school was doing. And, provided opportunities for collaborative learning with other schools.”

To find out more about how we can support your school or organisation please get in touch

Voices from our NPQ Participants

NPQ graduates and participants share their experience and the impact of TDT’s NPQ programmes

NPQ for Early Years Leadership

Current NPQEYL participant Amanda Goldsmith, manager at ABC Childcare (Ipswich) Ltd, shares her NPQEYL journey with TDT and our delivery partner Unity TSH

NPQ for Executive Leadership

Current TDT NPQEL participant Emily Walker, Director, LEARN Teaching Centre, shares her experience of TDT’s NPQ qualification so far.

“Staff are very much valuing their engagement with the Teacher Development Trust on the NPQ suite of qualifications. High quality input topromote high quality thinking to support high quality organisations.”

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Our Blog

Ofsted: “TDT relentlessly pursue and model a vision of excellence that is embodied in their values of smart, heart, humble”

Ofsted: “TDT relentlessly pursue and model a vision of excellence that is embodied in their values of smart, heart, humble”

Teacher Development Trust (TDT) is England's national charity for effective professional development in schools, colleges and early years settings. We help give leaders the clarity, confidence and capacity to build and lead cultures of expertise in schools and trusts,...

New Horizons & Embracing Change at TDT

New Horizons & Embracing Change at TDT

New Horizons & Embracing Change at TDT A personal blog from our co-CEO and founder, David Weston As I reflect on the incredible journey of the Teacher Development Trust since its inception in 2012, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude. Our recent Ofsted...

Findings from the ECF Review

Findings from the ECF Review

TDT’s newly published exploratory study, gratefully enabled by funding from the Gatsby Foundation, led by Professor Sam Twiselton and supported by Nansi Ellis, explores how England’s flagship Early Career Framework (ECF) programme for new teachers might be enhanced in...