Extraordinary Leaders
Empowered Staff
Expert Schools
TDT: The smart, heart, humble education charity for professional development
We help give you the clarity, confidence and capacity to build and lead a culture of expertise in your school or trust, where empowered staff thrive so that children succeed.
Our reflective, diagnostic approach gives leaders confidence that effective professional development is prioritised and that all staff participate meaningfully in tailored, evidence based training that builds expertise in an empowering way. External evaluations of our work show positive impact on teaching and learning, morale and teacher retention.
Using a strong international evidence base of what constitutes successful teacher professional development, we work with partners across the education sector to promote the principles of effective and impactful Continuing Professional Development (CPD) through:
TDT Programmes
Offering and continuously developing our flagship suite of Professional Development Programmes to support school and system leaders in implementing effective staff development strategies.
Expert Schools Programmes,
Building Expert Leaders Programme,
National Professional Qualifications,
Associate Qualification in CPD Leadership, Pedagogical Coaching, Collaborative Enquiry
TDT Expert School Network
Stimulating demand for high quality CPD through the growing national and international network of schools and colleges engaging in our programmes. Our Expert Schools Network Membership provides world class, evidence informed professional learning, knowledge sharing and research. We foster collaboration and networking opportunities among teachers, school and system leaders, and educational organisations.
Publicising and disseminating research and insights, campaigning and advising government to raise the status of professional development.
We play an active role in advocating for the importance of teacher development at policy level; working with policymakers, educational bodies, and government agencies to shape policies that prioritise and support high-quality professional learning opportunities for teachers.
Our values and approach
We are SMART – all of our work is deeply rooted in evidence. We want to know what works and seek out the brightest and the best minds to help shape our programmes, research and advocacy.
We have HEART – teaching and learning is about people and connection. Even the strongest evidence for improvement will be ineffective if not implemented by expert, empowered teachers at the front of the classroom.
We are HUMBLE – we are always curious, we are always learning. We are led by the evidence, but we also have the humility to keep testing our understanding and adapt.
What teachers and school leaders say:
Our story in numbers
of teachers and school leaders would recommend their TDT NPQ to a colleague
*Percentage of respondents in survey
”The course material is utterly brilliant. Such high quality and carefully crafted. The spirit and ethos of TDT is forefront.”
NPQ Facilitator
Number of teachers and school leaders who have participated in TDT NPQs
Number of schools that have benefited from TDT's Diagnostic Review
of school leaders would recommend the Diagnostic Review as part of their school development planning
*Percentage of respondents in survey
of teachers and school leaders would recommend the TDT Associate Qualification in CPD Leadership to a colleague
*Percentage of respondents in survey
Our Research and Insights
Read about the research that underpins our work and our insights into effective CPD
Sign up to our monthly intelligence briefing for everyone interested in professional learning
Our Impact
On school improvement, teaching and learning, morale and teacher retention
Our Blog
Ofsted: “TDT relentlessly pursue and model a vision of excellence that is embodied in their values of smart, heart, humble”
Teacher Development Trust (TDT) is England's national charity for effective professional development in schools, colleges and early years settings. We help give leaders the clarity, confidence and capacity to build and lead cultures of expertise in schools and trusts,...
Creating a CPD entitlement that works – our findings
Read full report The teaching profession is up against it at the moment. It faces challenges around recruitment and retention, restrictions on funding, and too often feels a lack of trust in its ability to educate children and young people. As an organisation, we know...
5 Tips from the NPQ for Leading Literacy
Do you have responsibility for whole-school literacy? Or you may aspire to be a senior leader and have whole-school responsibilities. Perhaps you’re passionate about literacy but not leading on it just yet. TDT’s Partnerships and Communications Manager, Ariana...
Effective Early Years CPD Leadership Practice
In the second part of this blog, reflecting on the importance of the first five years, Mandy Cuttler, Head of Pedagogy, Learning and Development, London Early Years Foundation (LEYF)/London Institute of Early Years shares how high quality CPD leadership in Early Years...
The First Five Years (part 1)
High-quality professional development to support children in their first five years. In the first part of this blog, Hannah Tyreman, Curriculum Designer at Teacher Development Trust, shares how CPD in EYFS can inform the experiences in the first five years of a...
What’s the big AI-dea?!
Louise Worgan, Curriculum Designer at TDT, updates on her involvement in the exciting development and testing of Teacherverse.ai. The Teacherverse is an AI-powered training tool that hones teachers’ skills through immersive, role-playing scenarios. AI is certainly a...
Improving Education Policy Together
In this blog, our CEO, Gareth Conyard, talks about what we can expect in his co-authored new book on how to make better education policy. Before joining the Teacher Development Trust, I was privileged to be a civil servant at the Department for Education for nearly...
SchoolDash data shows that spend on CPD is flatlining – why does that matter?
The latest data analysis from SchoolDash is published today and it shows a challenging picture in terms of spend on professional development by schools in England. Coming in the midst of a General Election campaign - in which the idea of an entitlement to...