Expert Schools Membership

A growing international network of leaders and experts in professional development



When you engage with our Expert Schools Programme we immediately welcome you into our national Expert Schools Member Network, where you enjoy access to our online tools and resources, learning modules and networking events.

Many schools who complete our programme want to stay connected, accessing the most up to date research, discussion and knowledge sharing around effective professional development.  Expert Schools Members help us shape our network, hold us to our values and contribute to our advocacy and research.  

TDT Learn

Online training modules to guide you and colleagues through understanding and implementing effective approaches to school improvement through people development.

TDT Diagnostic Review Tool

Supports you to conduct a self review, a staff survey and gather evidence in preparation for a TDT led Diagnostic Review, and in time, to conduct your own internal Diagnostic Review

Membership Resources

Curated additional reading, resources, research and recordings of past network events to support continued professional growth. Access to the Teachers Working Environments Survey.

Expert Schools Network

Membership Network map

Number of teachers and school leaders who engage with our NPQs and/or Expert Schools Membership Network

Number of schools that have completed a Diagnostic Review

Wherever you are in your development journey discover more about our programmes

Our Research and Insights

Read about the research that underpins our work, plus insights into effective CPD


Sign up to our monthly intelligence briefing for everyone interested in professional learning

Our Impact

On school improvement, teaching and learning, morale and teacher retention

Our Blog

Ofsted: “TDT relentlessly pursue and model a vision of excellence that is embodied in their values of smart, heart, humble”

Ofsted: “TDT relentlessly pursue and model a vision of excellence that is embodied in their values of smart, heart, humble”

Teacher Development Trust (TDT) is England's national charity for effective professional development in schools, colleges and early years settings. We help give leaders the clarity, confidence and capacity to build and lead cultures of expertise in schools and trusts,...

New Horizons & Embracing Change at TDT

New Horizons & Embracing Change at TDT

New Horizons & Embracing Change at TDT A personal blog from our co-CEO and founder, David Weston As I reflect on the incredible journey of the Teacher Development Trust since its inception in 2012, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude. Our recent Ofsted...

Findings from the ECF Review

Findings from the ECF Review

TDT’s newly published exploratory study, gratefully enabled by funding from the Gatsby Foundation, led by Professor Sam Twiselton and supported by Nansi Ellis, explores how England’s flagship Early Career Framework (ECF) programme for new teachers might be enhanced in...