Our flagship 8-month qualification supports you to embed a culture and strategy that ensures all staff participate meaningfully in tailored, evidence based training and development across your school or trust.
“I’m a massive advocate for the associate CPDL programme and I’m looking to be able to send some more of our staff on it just so they’re exposed to the brilliance and the research, which is a really important thing. I can’t praise the programme enough!”
An Accredited CPD Qualification for School Leaders
Further develop your expertise in leading teacher development – take the next step
Participants will critically engage with leading research and experience best practice first-hand, creating robust CPD plans for 2024/25 and beyond that align with the DfE CPD Standards.
- Cultivate transformative CPD leadership in your school using a plan based on leading research, the DfE CPD Standards and best international practice around CPD
- Raise teacher morale, expertise and staff retention through prioritising workforce development to become an employer of choice
- Improve outcomes for students, particularly the most disadvantaged, through effective teacher development
- Become a local and national expert in professional development
Particularly suited to graduates of the National Professional Qualification in Leading Teaching Development
Graduates gain 20 credits towards Chartered Status from the Chartered College of Teaching
Who should apply?
The Associate Qualification in CPD Leadership nurtures expertise in existing and aspiring CPD leaders in schools and across trusts and is an excellent next step for graduates of the National Professional Qualification in Leading Teaching Development.
Our successful associates include: Assistant Headteachers, Headteachers, Vice Principals, Heads of Teaching and Learning, CPD Leads, Deputy Headteachers, Teaching Academy Directors, Directors of Learning, Subject Heads.
What is involved?
Across 8 months, participants will engage in:
- Live online group training, 3 x half day sessions with a Professional Learning Lead (PLL)
- 1:1 email and telephone coaching with your PLL
- Around 50 hours of asynchronous activities and self-study
- A visit to another school, which participants arrange themselves
- An in-school project to evaluate and refine the leadership, culture and process of CPD within your school or trust
- Production of a 7000-word portfolio
- Ongoing online supervision support
Participants will be supported to create a CPD plan for 2024/25 and demonstrate how it aligns with leading research, the DfE CPD Standards and best international practice around CPD
Gain credits towards Chartered Status
Teachers and/or school leaders who have achieved the Teacher Development Trust’sAssociate Qualification in CPD Leadership can gain Recognition of Prior Certified Learning (RPCL). This will give 20 credits towards towards Chartered Status and exemption from the Development of Teaching Practice Award (Leadership) on the Chartered Teacher (Leadership) pathway.
What does the programme cover?
- Exploring effective timing and structure of CPD programmes
- Effectively commissioning and engaging with expertise
- Creating a robust framework for evaluation
- Designing evidence based CPD with impact
- Fostering an effective culture for teacher learning
- Developing your senior and middle leadership teams
- Creating route maps for career development
Participants will be supported to create a CPD plan for 2023/24 and demonstrate how it aligns with leading research, the DfE CPD Standards and best international practice around CPD.
Click here to apply for Cohort 11 – November 2024
The deadline for all applications is Friday 4th October 2024
How much does it cost?
Schools participating in an Expert Schools Programme qualify for the Members Rate below. TDT NPQ SL and NPQLTD graduates from any season qualify for the NPQ graduate rate.
Member Non-member CPDL £995 £1,295 CPDL for NPQLTD and NPQSL graduates £899 £899
Key Information: A Quick Guide
Course Length
Key Dates
Cohort 11
TBC November 2024
TBC December 2024
TBC March 2025
Throughout the course
What teachers and school leaders say:
“As Headteacher it has allowed me to improve my understanding of what is required of an effective CPD curriculum for staff in our Academy…. it allowed us to formulate a vision for the future together, which we can now take forwards into the new academic year and grow and develop.”
Simon Eccles, Headteacher, St Mary’s Catholic Academy
“I’m really enjoying the course! It’s so well-designed and I like the way it utilises blended learning and gets us to read and reflect so much before the first session.”
David Marshall, Thinking School Coordinator, Notting Hill Prep.
of current participants would recommend this course to colleagues
of current participants agree that the content is pitched at the right level of challenge
of current participants agree with the course’s balance between input and activities
*Percentage of respondents in survey