TDT National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)
Connecting Teachers to Best Practice and the Latest Research
Our National Professional Qualifications support the professional development of teachers and leaders at all levels, and deliver improved outcomes for young people.
TDT is an ‘Outstanding’ (Ofsted, 2024) Lead Provider of NPQs, with sector leading satisfaction and pass rates amongst our participants and a growing reputation for a thoughtful, reflective approach to bringing the frameworks to life. Our design principles recognise the centrality of people, culture, sensemaking and implementation to sustainable continuous improvement, along with a flexible and mindful consideration of workload and the pressures of school life. We’re very proud to work with a network of Delivery Partners who bring local expertise and context to our robust national programmes.
What makes TDT different?
Watch our video below to find out more
TDT NPQs offer flexible, blended-learning qualifications for you and your staff, rooted in the art, the craft and the science of School Improvement through People Development. Our evidence-informed curriculum design connects you to the latest research and best practice, and is delivered in a way that suits the busy working lives of teachers and leaders.
Four widely recognised qualifications and career routes for teachers and leaders who want to develop their expertise in specialist areas of teaching practice
NPQ for Leading Teacher Development
Lead the development of other staff in your school, through coaching, mentoring and designing the highest quality CPD programmes through the NPQLTD
NPQ for Leading Behaviour & Culture
Lead the improvement of pupil wellbeing, create calm classrooms, great pupil behaviour and a warm whole-school culture through the NPQLBC
NPQ for Leading Literacy
Become a skilful and research-informed professional who can lead the improvement of literacy teaching through the NPQLL
NPQ for Leading Teaching
Lead great quality teaching & curriculum, whether in a subject, year-group, key stage or phase through the NPQLT
Four Leadership qualifications for school, early years and system leadership
NPQ for Senior Leadership
Gain school-wide, senior leadership responsibilities and bring staff with you on the journey with the NPQSL
NPQ for Headship
Lead effective, school-wide change through the art, craft and science of people development with the NPQH
NPQ for Early Years Leadership
Lead successful improvement and change in your early years setting with the NPQEYL
NPQ for Executive Leadership
Take your leadership to new levels, working across multiple schools with the NPQEL
Early Headship Coaching Offer: A 12-month programme which provides targeted support for teachers new to the role of headship, or for those in their first five years of headship
Key Areas of Learning

Effective communication and teamwork

Leadership clarity & team alignment

Change management & implementation

Professional learning & growth

Self management & awareness
Course Structure & Approach
Our four specialist NPQs have one year of study followed by an assessment period.
Our four leadership NPQs have 18 months of study followed by an assessment period.
All our NPQs are a blend of flexible, high quality, online learning, online discussion, virtual seminars and face to face workshops, for a few hours study each week. This is followed by an assessment window where you will complete a 1500-word case study assessment to demonstrate your understanding of real leadership and change.
Our research-rich Specialist and Leadership NPQs have an evidence-based curriculum design, connecting you to the latest research and best practice and cover all of the core content in the government’s Framework for each qualification
Our online modules guide you and your colleagues through understanding and implementing effective approaches to people-powered school improvement. You will be fully supported throughout by your course leader.
Delivery of our NPQ curriculum is grounded in TDT’s values of:

We are SMART – all of our programmes are deeply rooted in evidence. We want to know what works and seek out the brightest and the best minds to help shape our programmes.

We have HEART – teaching and learning is about people and connection. Even the strongest evidence for improvement will be ineffective if not implemented by expert, empowered teachers at the front of the classroom.

We are HUMBLE – we are always curious, we are always learning. We are led by the evidence, but we also have the humility to keep testing our understanding and adapt.

Hold a mirror up to your current setting, studying how it works

Get a window into other types of schools – different phases, specialities, localities

Courses designed for participants from a variety of backgrounds & schools

Be properly prepared to deal with the most common real-life leadership

Learn from detailed interviews with great leaders – not just what they do but how they think

Experience repeated opportunities to practise real change and implementation
Our Delivery Partner Network
Our carefully selected network of Delivery Partners deliver our courses across various locations in England and the United Arab Emirates. Some Delivery Partners deliver in more than one region, so please ensure you are able to travel to your chosen local delivery location.
Please use our interactive map and list of courses below to see where our partners are based and what courses they are offering.
Autumn '24 Cohort
Education Durham
Lead Teaching School Hub
Learners First
Leeds Trinity University
London Early Years Foundation
London South Teaching School Hub
Prince Henry's Teaching School Hub
Shared Learning Trust
Thames South Teaching School Hub
The Julian Teaching School Hub
The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers (NASBTT)
Tudor Grange Teaching School Hub
Funding and Cost Details
Course prices below are for Autumn 2024.
Following the recent DfE announcement, please see the government website here for detailed information and guidance on funding eligibility for Autumn 2024 NPQ courses.
UK Price if not eligible for scholarship
Leading Teacher Development - NPQLTD
Leading Teaching - NPQLT
Leading Behaviour & Culture - NPQLBC
Leading Literacy - NPQLL
Early Years Leadership - NPQEYL
Senior Leaders - NPQSL
Headteachers - NPQH
Executive Leaders -NPQEL
Government scholarships - available for staff who meet the NEW DfE suitability criteria
Leading Teacher Development - NPQLTD
Leading Teaching - NPQLT
Leading Behaviour & Culture - NPQLBC
Leading Literacy - NPQLL
Early Years Leadership - NPQEYL
Senior Leaders - NPQSL
Headteachers - NPQH
Executive Leaders -NPQEL
All prices quoted include VAT at the current rate.
Our Research and Insights
Read about the research that underpins our work, plus insights into effective CPD
Sign up to our monthly intelligence briefing for everyone interested in professional learning
Our Impact
On school improvement, teaching and learning, morale and teacher retention