Meaning – CPD should be planned for and evaluated against the needs of pupils. These needs can be academic, but can also relate to various behaviours and attitudes. This evaluation should take place at a macro and a micro level, and micro level evaluations should be collated.
What would this look like in practice?
A small primary school has a two year focus on pupils’ writing. Two Inset days, one twilight and a number of CPD activities were based around improving writing. Overall writing levels were analysed over two years and compared with previous years. In addition, a number of staff had taken part in a Lesson Study enquiry, particularly focussed on improving writing. There were three triads and their evaluations and findings were collated to give a more formative picture of the different approaches taken.
The Needs Analysis and Evaluation section has a number of articles, blogs, tools and guidance to support you in evaluating CPD.