Ofsted: “TDT relentlessly pursue and model a vision of excellence that is embodied in their values of smart, heart, humble”

Ofsted: “TDT relentlessly pursue and model a vision of excellence that is embodied in their values of smart, heart, humble”

Teacher Development Trust (TDT) is England’s national charity for effective professional development in schools, colleges and early years settings. We help give leaders the clarity, confidence and capacity to build and lead cultures of expertise in schools and...
Announcing the David Monis-Weston Lecture

Announcing the David Monis-Weston Lecture

A new annual event for the education sector We are delighted to announce that next April will see the delivery of the inaugural David Monis-Weston lecture.   This annual lecture will see the Teacher Development Trust invite the most exciting and challenging thinkers...
A Bright Future for TDT

A Bright Future for TDT

In his seminal book of the same name, Simon Sinek exhorts us all to ‘start with why’ – to understand your purpose, your reason for existing – before you decide anything else.  Perhaps inevitably, with the change in government, a change in leadership here...
5 Tips from the NPQ for Leading Literacy

5 Tips from the NPQ for Leading Literacy

Do you have responsibility for whole-school literacy? Or you may aspire to be a senior leader and have whole-school responsibilities. Perhaps you’re passionate about literacy but not leading on it just yet.  TDT’s Partnerships and Communications Manager, Ariana...
What’s the big AI-dea?!

What’s the big AI-dea?!

Louise Worgan, Curriculum Designer at TDT, updates on her involvement in the exciting development and testing of Teacherverse.ai. The Teacherverse is an AI-powered training tool that hones teachers’ skills through immersive, role-playing scenarios. AI is certainly a...