How does TDT Network support me?

How does TDT Network support me to implement this?

TDT Network provides a series of online resources and tools that guide you through the process. These can be found under Lesson Study Resources. While every school will adapt the resources slightly, this will give you a good starting point. We recommend that each school has at least one Lesson Study Mentor who facilitates the process within the school. If you are new to Lesson Study, we also recommend starting with one or two groups and taking part in an enquiry group yourself.

TDT Network also runs a series of Lesson Study workshops. These are designed to support you when you are setting up Lesson Study, once Lesson Study is underway, and once Lesson Study is more established within your school. These workshops provide a unique opportunity to learn from other Network members and their experience, as well as expert input from TDT staff. See the events page to learn when your next Lesson Study workshop near you is taking place.

All through your TDT Network experience we are free to offer bespoke advice via phone or email. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to get in touch (