Further information about subject associations is available from the Council for Subject Associations (CfSA)
English, Literacy, Drama, Film, Media
- British Film Institute
- Communication Trust
- English Association
- English & Media Centre
- Into Film
- National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum (EAL)
- National Association for the Teaching of English
- National Drama
- National Literacy Trust
- UK Literacy Association
Mathematics & Numeracy
- Association of Teachers of Mathematics
- Advanced Mathematics Support Programme
- Further Mathematics Support Programme in Wales
- Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
- Mathematics Association
- Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI)
- Maths Careers
- National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics
- National Numeracy
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art
- Association for Science Education
- Computing at School
- Design and Technology Association
- Institute of Physics
- NAACE – The ICT Association
- National Society for Education in Art and Design
- National STEM Centre
- Primary Engineering
- Royal Academy of Engineering
- Royal Society of Biology
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Tech Partnership
Humanities, Geography, History, Economics, Politics
- Economics, Business and Enterprise Association
- Geographical Association
- Geological Society
- Historical Association
- Political Studies Association
- Royal Geographical Association
Modern and classical languages
- Association for Language Learning
- Association for Latin Teaching
- The Classical Association (now incorporating Joint Summer Schools Trust)
- Classics for All
- Scotland’s National Centre for Languages
- National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy
Sport, physical education, dance
Citizenship, PSHE
Religious Education
Primary Education & Early Years
Leadership & Governance
- Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL)
- National Association of Headteachers (NAHT)
- National Governors’ Association