This page of our flyer contains a list of prompt questions about CPD evaluation that can be useful to share with teachers or participants both before and after they take part in CPD: TDT Evaluation Questions
Hunters Bar Junior School
This template, ‘Planning and evaluating professional learning using Guskey’s 5 levels‘ is adapted from a resource originally developed by TDT Expert Advisor, Alex Beauchamp who is a Lead Practitioner at Hunter’s Bar Junior School in Sheffield.
Blatchington Mill School and Sixth Form
This evaluation form shows how staff are expected to link their CPD to a pupil focus.
Elthorne Park High School
Professional Development targets have a clear link to the Action Research groups. All staff must participate in a Lesson Study cycle through the Action Research Enquiry groups, and evidence this participation through peer observation and a final presentation. The link between performance management and professional development is explicit.
Fawbert and Barnard’s Primary School
This resource outlines how this primary school in Harlow use Bluewave Swift to support their CPD processes.
Greenshaw High School
This blog written by Phil Stock, Assistant Headteacher at Greenshaw, outlines the structure of their CPD, taking into account Guskey’s five different levels of evaluating professional learning.
Evaluating CPD: hard but not impossible
Heart of England School
This survey was used by Heart of England to capture attitudes of staff regarding peer observation, a new Lesson Observation room and general feelings towards professional development.
This form in the peer observation process, and for teachers who have chosen to teach a lesson in the Lesson Observation room. It asks what the intended outcome/expectation of the lesson is, and focusses on the cause and effect of the particular intervention chosen, and areas of both strength and development in the lesson.
This list of protocols must be agreed to by any staff member who decides to teach, film or observe a lesson in the Observation Room. It demonstrates the importance the school has placed on establishing a level of trust amongst its staff, and creating an open culture.
St Mary’s Catholic College, Blackpool
Stephen Tierney has shared the excellent forms that he created for collecting his staff’s reflections on impact and improvement following their leadership programme last year. He has provided two completed examples.
Professional Development – Reflection and Impact 1
Professional Development – Reflection and Impact 2
Do You Have Some Resources To Share? Please do email or visit our Get in Touch page to share.