Welcome to the third instalment of the GoodCPDGuide Newsletter!


January’s news from the GoodCPDGuide:

  • The GoodCPDGuide Quality Assurance audit continues. The Quality Assurance audit is a process we use to make sure listings on the GoodCPDGuide conform to minimum standards. Our expert panel, with representatives from the Education Endowment Foundation, the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring at Durham University and the Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education (CUREE), are currently reviewing and rating the information given by providers. We look forward to sharing examples of good practice in due course!
  • New site developments have been made to the way providers view their listings on the site. All providers should have received an email informing them of this change last week. These changes will be revealed to users in the coming months and represent an exciting development in the way the GoodCPDGuide rates and promotes quality… More information to follow, watch this space!

New Providers

We’re very glad to have welcomed the following new providers to the GoodCPDGuide this month:

Featured Provider

This month our featured provider is the National Union of Teachers, whose CPD programmes include opportunities for extended follow up and action research:

Equal Access to Promotion is a development programme specifically designed for black and minority ethnic teachers aiming to raise their influence as leaders in school.  Participants agree a school-based project in advance and then attend a two-day residential programme.  Following the course, participants complete their project supported by experience mentors.  The completed projects are shared with their schools and with each other at a final follow-up event.

Positive Classroom Strategies for New Teachers is designed for newly qualified teachers. Participants attend two-day residential programme.  They then carry out a school-based project focusing on an aspect of the course.  They then meet up again for a further two-day residential course to feedback on their implementation of ideas and to evaluate the impact of their learning.”

All good CPD should provide follow up and support for delegates or users as standard. Teachers and school leaders should also choose CPD which encourages them to evaluate the impact of any change in practice.

Featured Review

Well done to the Philosophy Foundation who have received several positive reviews over the past month. The Philosophy Foundation works with teachers to train them in questioning, enquiry, storytelling and thinking skills. Their Enquiry in the Curriculum programme is aimed at supporting teachers to introduce enquiry to all classes and features online and book support. One delegate said:

Teachers’ questioning skills have improved and lessons are taught through enquiry across the curriculum, making the learning more meaningful, exciting and accessible to all.

Reviewing your CPD experiences is a great way to reflect professionally and share your feedback. To write a review on the GoodCPDGuide, simply find the course or resource you have used and click “Review this”.

If you are a provider and would like advice on how you can encourage user reviews on your listings, email us at provider.support@goodcpdguide.com.

Remember As well as being independently reviewed, it is important that all professional development is based on robust evidence and has been rigorously evaluated.

CPD Advice

Follow our blog for more advice and news relating to good CPD and the work of the Teacher Development Trust.

You might also be interested in signing up for the half-termly Teacher Development Trust newsletter. (Read the December issue here.)