The Teacher Development Trust is a non-profit organisation that has been founded to improve the quailty of professional development in education. In particular, we aim to:

  • Promote greater access to high-quality, effective training courses, consultancy services and resources via our GoodCPDGuide database.
  • Increase both quality and value-for-money of training provision via our three-pronged approach to quality-assurance: community reviews of impact on practice, a rigorous code of conduct for providers, and an inspection of training delivery carried out by CUREE which providers can purchase to obtain a certified quality rating that is displayed on the website.
  • Stimulate demand for high-quality training by working alongside CUREE to help schools ensure that:
    1. training needs are clearly identified in response to specific concerns about student outcomes, and these are communicated clearly to providers;
    2. teachers have the tools to assess impact on both their practice and student outcomes over a long period following the training;
    3. schools develop a culture of continuous professional learning where leaders create conditions where teachers can collaboratively address challenges in student attainment through repeated cycles of action research, continuous evolution of their practice, and focused assessment. This ensures that external expertise is contextualised and embedded in the whole school.